Sunday, May 12, 2013

Exclusive Freebie on our Facebook Page

YAY we have another freebie for you.

You only have to like our Facebook Page and click the Exclusive Freebie image and you can download a gorgeous new element pack.

The pack contrains an owl, spring birds and a tree and each comes in 4 colours they off course match the other elements.

The pack is CU OK.

Hope you like the pack, let's us know what yout hink of it and we always want to see your creations.

Happy Mother's Day everyone.


Freebie Clusterframe Love me Green 2

Busy Bees they are, our wonderful CT Team.

CT Crystal made a really nice clusterframe with the kit Love me Green and you can use it any time, it has no St Patrick design.

Hope you like it and please share with us what you create with it, we would really love to see your creations.

To download click HERE.

Enjoy the rest of your day,

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Tag Tutorial with the PTU kit Lucky Me

I would like to tell you about one of the stores we sell at.

It's called Artistic Angelz and it's created for a special purpose.

All the items there are sold exclusively at Artistic Angelz and all the profit doesn't go to the designer(s), but all proceeds goes to members of the PSP Community that are having a rough time and need some help.

Read more about it HERE.

We at VPD have one kit there for sale and it's called Lucky Me.

I know ST Patricks was last month, but I really wanted to advertise Artistic Angelz.

Plus I have a Tag Tutorial for you, made with this kit.

Just click the tag and it will take you to the tutorial.

As always we would love to see your creations.

For now I wish you all a good night,

Another Love me Green Tag Tutorial

Good evening everyone.

I have yet another Tag Tutorial for you today, made with the kit Love me Green.

Even though it's originally a ST Patricks kit, this tag is a perfect example how you can use it for many other things.

Just click the tag to go to the tutorial.

You can buy this kit at:

Still working like crazy on our latest scrapkit, I always make too many elements in too many different colours, I am dreadful in being selective.

Thankfully that's where Vishous comes in, she is much better in deciding what stays and what goes.

Have a great weekend,

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Freebie - Facebook Timeline Template

Good afternoon, hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Mine is kinda slow today, picked up my new glasses, which I desperately needed, I have very bad eyesight -10.00 and -10.25 and my glasses were not the right prescription anymore.

The world was quite fuzzy, everything is now extremely sharp with the new glasses that it's making me queesy.

Today I have a Facebook Timeline Template for you.

Was my first try making those and I hope you can make use of it.

I added both a psp image and a psd file in the zip.

You can download it HERE.

Would love to see the timelines you create with it.

Enjoy your days,



Our Blinkie:

For Sale At:

Tag Tutorials:

Blogs we Adore!!!
